AEC Marketing and Leads

Most Architecture, Engineering and Construction (A/E/C) firms rely on word of mouth or brand advertising to generate leads. While this still works, unfortunately the number of competitors has increased dramatically. Brand advertising has worked in the past, but as more and more choices become available you end up with a fragmented market with everybody fighting for your prospect’s attention.

As a kid working in my grandfather’s construction company I have witnessed first hand how effective referrals can be. His only advertising was a plain white business card and a small ad in the local paper. His phone was ringing every day. But that was in the late 80’s.

After getting my degree in Engineering Technology I worked at one of the most prestigious engineering firms in Charleston. Marketing for us consisted of attending and sponsoring local Chamber of Commerce events, meeting architects and contractors for golf, networking and occasionally bidding on a government contract.

Unfortunately I have seen many good AEC firms close down or forced to merge to be able to compete in today’s hyper-competitive landscape because they have been slow to adopt inbound marketing firms and take growth into their own hands.

A lot of firm owners I work with tell me that never in a million years would they have entertained the thought of using digital marketing to grow their firm.

When done incorrectly digital marketing can be a waste of money. Most marketing agencies try to use digital marketing like brand marketing.

They often talk about vanity metrics that don’t grow your bottom line. Nobody cares how many people have seen your Facebook posts. The only thing that matters is did they turn into a lead and client.

That’s what separates Trinity Marketing Agency from other marketing firms.

We use direct response digital marketing so everything can be measured and tracked.We can see where your leads come from and what steps they took to become a lead and client.

Knowing this allows us to focus your marketing budget on the handful of activities that produce results.

Gone are the days of using hope marketing.

When used correctly direct response digital marketing allows smart AEC firms to leapfrog their competition.

The Benefits of AEC Marketing

Like any good building project starts with a blueprint following proven firms, we approach AEC marketing with a proven plan.

Step 1 – We determine who your best clients are and where to find them. We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach because every client is different. Residential, commercial, and industrial construction all require different strategies and tactics.

Step 2 – Next we create an AEC growth road map and lay out what needs to happen for you to increase your leads and clients. This road map is custom tailored to your specific niche and location.

Step 3 – We then create an action plan that will allow you to leapfrog your competition by giving you a competitive edge with direct response digital marketing.

Grow With Direct Response Digital Marketing Today
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